Sunday, July 3, 2011


Eternal privacy



还在为自己的理想而奋斗吧。突然想起“时刻准备着,为共产主义而奋斗!”,你我的昨天,那个戴着红领巾的小男孩、小女孩,傻乎乎地嚷嚷道。  我不知道“共产主义”你还记得多少,但是我相信,你我都时刻准备着,为自己心中的理想而奋斗、而努力。因为我们都固执的坚信,‘天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来’。请你记得在你身边还有这样一群倔强、执拗的人以你一同奋斗。这一群愚蠢的北半球人啊,非要到南半球这个讲英语的国度,建中文辩论社!因为我们知道,真正能够理解我们的只有自己人。所以我们决定在假期去蓝山,要站在山头大喊“悉尼!老子来了!从今往后这里必将有我的立足之地!”

  九州豪杰分伯仲,三寸之舌斩枭雄。 齐聚新南风云涌, 胜负尽在一言中。 - Kade

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分享是主旋律,,工具类总结,tips and derivations that will make it easier for me to perform the various tasks im faced with. These notes cover a wide range such as data analysis utilities (details see my site tags). this site is mainly used to help me clarify/sumarize/debug/backup/refactor/organize my thoughts,我的生产力解放,不用把更多的时间赔上,and capture my interests with time savingmay helpful to you literally we turn to a grp blog and collaboration,,,, on the other hand, i strongly suggest to subscribe inside a rss reader rather than refresh the website each time,,,alternatively, you can subscribe as podcast inside like itunes if you wanna download media contains ,,, also the microblog site is a complement to our website. - @Musibolun

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