Thursday, August 30, 2012

“星岛杯”澳洲大学生华语辩论赛 "Singtao Cup" Australian University Debating in Chinese Mandarin @unswdebating


澳洲星岛杯华语辩论赛。届时将会有来自澳洲八所院校的队伍参加比赛,为大家带来精彩纷呈的表演。        本次比赛将分为母语组以及非母语组,分两天举行。不仅是澳洲规模空前的一次大型华语辩论赛,更是华语在澳洲推广的重要一环。其中最为精彩和激动人心的决赛(非母语组和母语组)将在9月8日下午举行。具体信息如下:决赛具体信息如下:日期: 9月8日星期六
时间: 下午1:30
地点: University of New South Wales, Anzac Parade, Kensington NSW 2033
会场: Law Building G04





新南威尔士大学中文辩论社 敬上

Dear members,

2012 Singtao Cup Australian University Chinese Debating Competition is coming next week (7th and 8th September)!

This event will incorporate 8 teams from 8 Universities, such as Univesity of New South Wales, University of Sydney, University of Melbourne and 5 teams from other universities in Queensland, ACT, and Victoria. With more than 5,000 students on campus who speak Mandarin, the Chinese debating club represents the richness of diversity that thrives within the University of New South Wales.
Non-native speakers of Mandarin who come from ANU and UNSW will take part in this matchWe believe the promotion of this Mandarin debating competition will be a tremendous step forward for union debating.

Location: Law Building G04, UNSW KENSINGTON CAMPUS
Date: 8th September, 1:30pm

Content: The final match between two teams of non-native speakers and the final match between two teams of native speakers
(check the attachment for details)

This will be an amazing opportunity to watch the highest level of mandarin debating in Australia. We welcome all of you to watch! It is free to enter without ticket.
For the most updated news and information, please follow our Website here:


UNSW Chinese Debating Club

For all general enquiries, please email:

Leia Mais

Sunday, August 12, 2012

2012星岛杯辩题分组抽签仪式结果"Singtao Cup"Australian University Mandarin Debating Competition Ballot Results

RT @Musibolun:
 "Singtao Cup"Australian University Mandarin Debating Competition was drawn 香港亲中大报《星岛日报》澳洲版旗下赞助比赛项目“星岛杯”全国大学生辩论赛抽签

[Attendees]  Ben X许若华, Young Y杨孟阳, Kade L李沄沨, Bill @Musibolun,  Claire X谢諹,Lingfeng Yang ( @Sydney_Uni ),Henry @zxhenry, Andrew S宋立辉 and Eddy Z张龙
[Chaired by] Claire X谢諹, Ben X许若华 and Young Y杨孟阳

[Secretary] Bill @Musibolun


(Added by Bill, 季殿赛and决赛题目swapped by Dr. Claire, Aug.21, 2012)

Leia Mais

Saturday, August 4, 2012

[Podcast]电台收听指南 tune it in @unswdebating

        Just a quick guide to windows usrs. p.s. *nix usrs such as mac/linux may able to figure themselves out.
/*Noobs Config start*/
1. iOS Devices (iphone/ipad/ipod):

  • Download and install an Apple iTunes for MS Windows (Apple Account ID Required)
  • Click on 
  • Enable Podcast Sync with ur iOS devices.
Note: Jailbrked may have to use Podcaster App. (Added by Musi_Zhang, Sep.25, 2012)

2. Android Devices (Samsung/HTC/Huawei/Motorola/LG/Sony etc. all compatibilities)
There are ii solutions: Google Reader Centralised and iTunes Centralised,
   i. Google Reader Centralised
  • Go to  (Gmail Account ID Required)
  • "Subscribe"
  • Install Podkicker or Listen on ur Android Device
  • Setup Google Reader Syncing 

/*Noobs Config End*/
  ii. iTunes Centralised
  • Download and install an Apple iTunes for MS Windows (not compulsory if no video feeds)
  • Sync Android with iTunes

    PC owners who already use iTunes to download podcasts can bypass Android apps and load podcasts with the help of iTunes Agent and a Smart Playlist. The downside is that you have to connect to a computer to update your podcasts, but this is a good solution for current iTunes users.

    • Open iTunes and select “File > New Smart Playlist”
    • From the drop-down menu, select “Podcast” and “is true”
    • Press the “+” sign to create another rule.
    • From the drop-down menu, select “Date Added” and “is in the last” to make sure only recent podcasts are synced. Choose the number based on however many days you wish and press “Ok”
    • Name your new playlist
    • Download and install iTunes Agent
    • Follow the simple set-up instructions found here
    • * In the “Music Folder” field, create a new folder named “Podcasts” on your SD card
    • * In the “Associate with playlist” field, select the Smart Playlist you created in iTunes
    • To play on the G1, open your media player of choice and launch the Playlist you created. Every time you update your iTunes library and sync the device, the playlist will automatically update as well. 

    • Click on 
    • Enable Podcast Sync with ur iOS devices.     

    (Video Tutorial Added, Musi_Zhang, Aug.9 , 2012)
    (Juice & gPodder Pict Added, Musi_Zhang, Aug.10 , 2012)

    ^ Sync Android with iTunes, Androinica 2009-9-15 19:21:02. Retrieved on Aug.3, 2012.

    Leia Mais


    分享是主旋律,,工具类总结,tips and derivations that will make it easier for me to perform the various tasks im faced with. These notes cover a wide range such as data analysis utilities (details see my site tags). this site is mainly used to help me clarify/sumarize/debug/backup/refactor/organize my thoughts,我的生产力解放,不用把更多的时间赔上,and capture my interests with time savingmay helpful to you literally we turn to a grp blog and collaboration,,,, on the other hand, i strongly suggest to subscribe inside a rss reader rather than refresh the website each time,,,alternatively, you can subscribe as podcast inside like itunes if you wanna download media contains ,,, also the microblog site is a complement to our website. - @Musibolun

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