Monday, December 24, 2012

2012 X'MAS Eve - The Entrance

cannot rmb that much,,,even suzan's friend the hongky's name,, nd havent got austan's private clips about her,,,,just rmb he went to toilet somewhere very long time ago,, i tried to protect suzan but i didnt have any river swimming experience caused i was drifting by the river and my right foot got 3 holes cut by the rocks

2012-12-24 10.58.48.jpg

2012-12-24 10.58.59.jpg

2012-12-24 10.59.21.jpg

2012-12-24 11.09.13.jpg

2012-12-24 11.25.06.jpg

2012-12-24 11.42.30.jpg

2012-12-24 12.46.24.jpg

2012-12-24 13.02.30.jpg

Crocodile Meat
2012-12-24 13.03.36.jpg
Emu meat
all in the restaurant called 'RED CENTRE'

2012-12-24 13.42.27.jpg

2012-12-24 16.07.54.jpg

I didnt even know how strong is the World Lion Club,, just know i met the vice president for the art performance,, thanks for washing my feet,,, so injured,, cnt believe i just did everything by myself,, lazy ya 3
2012-12-24 16.50.41.jpg

2012-12-24 16.51.19.jpg

xmas eve in the entrance, nsw.png
so many first time experiences,,, inside car to see how car wash machine works; Crocodile meat ; Emu Meat; swim in the river.
Leia Mais

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Oct.4, 2012 fxplus @unswdebating @unsw phys

Public Lecture Series @unswdebating 新南威尔士大学 华语辩论社
                Thanks for the contribution from colin,,,                                                                                                                              

This is a guest post from physbook team, and protected under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 License. Unless otherwise stated in the comment text, without author(s) written permission, please specify: Reprinted from Physbook (RSS)/转自飛思播客 (RSS) with the article's link (Please do not change the Title. Remain the link same at least because we could make changes on the content in further updates otherwise you will be responsible to the mistake you spread to readers) OR Trackback in the comment "[...]quotes/引用[...]" with your article part and link FOR reproducing or using the whole or any part of the content.
Leia Mais

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Vote for Voice

What has VOICE achieved?

Over the past few years the Voice team have worked with a diverse range of students, clubs and activist groups to achieve real results on campus.

Candidates running against Voice this year are unfortunately campaigning on a negative message of "Voice has achieved nothing".

We don't believe in negative campaigning. Every ticket running in the elections this year has been involved in the Student Representative Council over the last couple of years, and every member of the SRC has the capacity to initiate and work on student campaigns. This year's election is an opportunity for all tickets to demonstrate their achievements and talk about what else they want to fight for.

Voice Achievements:

Student Representation
  • Increased funding for student representation by 30%
  • Created a new Postgraduate Council to better cater to the needs of Postgrad students
  • Successfully pushed for more student representatives on high-level University committees
  • Created the semesterly student forums, allowing students to directly engage with members of the University leadership team
Fighting for quality education
  • Successfully campaigned for all summer courses in the Faculty of Built Environment to be put on HECS
  • Successfully lobbied for more compulsory textbookts to be available free and online
  • Organised the successful campaign to protect the rights and conditions of our teachers
  • Organised the successful campaign at COFA to ensure student and staff voices were heard in significant faculty restructures
  • Supported computer science students with their protests against staff cuts, ensuring no forced redundancies
Campus Life
  • On campus discounts at Arc stores around campus
  • Increased funding and made it easier to access grants for clubs and societies
  • Successfully pushed for cheaper and better student run food outlets on campus by building the Whitehouse
  • Created the Inter-Residence Council to represent the interests of college students on residents on campus
  • Started and won the campaign the save the UNSW Pharmacy
International Students
  • Started the now inaugural International Night Markets, letting international student clubs work together to run an amazing event for all students on campus
  • Ran free IELTS workshops for all international students
  • Campaigned for international student travel concessions and got support for the campaign from the UNSW Vice-Chancellor
  • Successfully campaigned to bring back recycling on campus
  • Created an Arc Environment Policy
  • Successfully pushed for student representation on the UNSW Sustainability Committee
  • Started the RenewUNSW campaign to push for UNSW to be powered by 100% renewable energy
Social Justice and Equity
  • Funded "F Con" - the first feminist conference held in Sydney in more than 10 years
  • Helped fund the national campaign for Equal Marriage
  • Changed regulations to allow the SRC Queer Officers to be elected autonomously
  • Financially supported UNSW students to attend the annual Queer Collaborations and the Network of Women Students Australia (NOWSA) conferences
If you support what Voice has achieved in the last few years and want us to keep working with students to implement our policies, remember to Vote 1 Voice!

Who are the Voice team?

The Voice team is made up of progressive students from a wide range of academic, cultural, geographical and political backgrounds. What unites us is our belief that student representatives and activists should work together to fight for quality university education, better student welfare, student control of student money, environmental sustainability and social justice without being divided by partisan politics.

The Voice team believe in always putting UNSW students first, and we draw on a diverse selection of candidates to represent all the different communities that make up the university.

Our candidates include Arc Board Directors, Club Presidents, College Presidents, Women's, Queer and Environmental Activists, International Student leaders and students involved in volunteering in their local communities.

The Voice team

President: Ross Willing
  • Ross is a 4th year Arts/Law student and a resident of New College where he is also a Senior Academic Tutor. He has been a Director on the Arc Board since 2011 where, as Chair of the Membership & Services subcommittee, he oversaw the implementation of free Arc membership, a new Arc sustainability  policy, and created the Inter-Residence Council. He also manages the UNSW hockey team and is involved in a number of clubs and societies.
Education: David Bailey-McKay & Lauren McCracken
  • David is a 3rd year Social Work/Arts student and current SRC Co-Education Officer. He has been involved in the Whitlam Club, Social Work Society and Electrical Engineering Society. He has helped organise campaigns to stop cuts to courses and teaching staff since 2010. He has represented students in the Faculties of Built Environment, Arts and COFA in negotiations to fight against and minimise damage to teaching quality.
  • Lauren is a 2nd year Media student who currently works for Arc's marketing department as a student intern. She is a Co-Convenor of The Greens on Campus club and is passionate about quality education.
Women's: Amber Karanikolas & Katerina Jovanovska
  • Amber is a 3rd year Arts/Law student and a volunteer legal assistant at the Redfern Legal Centre. She is the current SRC Women's Officer and has been involved in the Women's Collective and Queer Collective. She was previously a member of the Law Society's Queer Portfolio committee.
  • Katerina is a 1st year Media/Law student majoring in Communications and Journalism. She's a Taskforce member of the YMCA NSW Youth Parliament as the advisor to the Women's Affairs and Ethnic Affairs portfolios. She was a finalist in the ZONTA International Young Women in Public Affairs Award and has been a facilitator of anti-domestic violence workshops at all-male high schools.
Ethnic Affairs: Charlotte Lewis
  • Charlotte is a 3rd year Arts student and the President of the Australasian Union of Jewish Students (AUJS). As President, she worked to build links between Jewish and non-Jewish students by opening up the club to all students. She started the ultimately successful anti-boycott campaign to save the UNSW Pharmacy.
International: Kobe Gao & Ouyang Jackson
  • Kobe is a 3rd year Civil Engineering student and current SRC Co-International Students Officer. He has been an organiser for the International Night Markets in 2011 and 2012. He is a leader in the campaign for international student travel concessions, and has organised forums and seminars for international students on campus on issues such as migration and IELTS. 
  • Ouyang is a 3rd year Commerce/ Law student and the President of UNSW biggest charity club, Project Hope. He's previously worked for KPMG China, and during his involvement with international student representation at UNSW he's organised events, forums and seminars to help build relations between international and domestic students. He is also a volunteer with UNSW Careers.
Indigenous: Jacob Hyland
  • Jacob is an Aniwan man from Armidale, NSW. He's a 3rd year Civil Engineering student and has been an Indigenous Australian Engineering Summer School mentor for the past two years. He was a supervisor of the Nura Gili Winter School 2010-11 and Social Director of New College in 2011. He's currently an Engineering Student Ambassador.
Welfare: Brad Lorge & Anna Zhou 
  • Brad is a 2nd year Software Engineering/Commerce student and current SRC Co-Welfare Officer. He lives at Shalom College and is a tutor for the School of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). He is a consultant for the Association of Child Welfare Agencies and is the recipient of multiple awards for a project in aid distribution. He led the campaign against staff cuts in CSE and was heavily involved in the campaign to save the pharmacy.
  • Anna is a 3rd year Arts/Education student and a Peer Mentor in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, focussing on supporting new students. She is a UNSW Aspire Ambassador, working to increase the number of students from disadvantaged backgrounds attending university. She is an Arc Yellow Shirt and a volunteer with The Hub. She's also a volunteer with Anglicare, The Smith Family, Amnesty International and St Vincent de Paul.
Environment: Jeremy Sieczko & Emma Horsburgh
  • Jeremy is a 4th year Architecture student and the founding President of the Faculty of Built Environment Society. He's passionate about creating a more environmentally sustianable campus and harnessing the capabilities of students and staff to make UNSW the most forward-looking and green campus in Australia. He is heavily involved in the campaign to power UNSW by renewable energy.
  • Emma is a 2nd year International Studies student and the Grassroots Co-ordinator of the Australian Youth Climate Change Coalition. She has worked on a number of youth-focussed environmental campaigns, such as Youth Decide and completed the women's internship at GetUp! Australia. She has volunteered for and run community campaigns for Amnesty International, Médecins Sans Frontières, UN Youth Australia and the Cancer Council NSW.
Disabilities: Joel Wilson
  • Joel is a 4th year Science/Law student who is passionate about the rights and welfare of disabled students. He moved from Port Stephens to study at UNSW, and spent his first few years at Baxter College. Through his involvement with the Student Equity and Disability Unit and the Redfern Legal Centre, he has developed a thorough understanding of the attitudinal and physical obstacles that disabled students face.

Tharunka: Osman Faruqi, Renee Griffin & Lily Ray

Councillors: Jacob Glued, Josh Beale, Scarlett Ha, Juni Lee, Billy Bruffey, Nick Gurieff, Jared Grimmond, Beth Crane, Luke Marshall, Hee Yeon Kim and Eliot Redelman.

This is a guest post from physbook team, and protected under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 License. Unless otherwise stated in the comment text, without author(s) written permission, please specify: Reprinted from Physbook (RSS)/转自飛思播客 (RSS) with the article's link (Please do not change the Title. Remain the link same at least because we could make changes on the content in further updates otherwise you will be responsible to the mistake you spread to readers) OR Trackback in the comment "[...]quotes/引用[...]" with your article part and link FOR reproducing or using the whole or any part of the content.
Leia Mais

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

2012 Solar Bday's Gift from Priya - Understanding of Linus Torvalds' Swearing to NVIDIA

Eternal privacyIts very clear to see the six apart screen '六分屏' on Lenovo Y450 Ideapad.

Due to Geforce m1xx series graphics drivers updating,,

Corrupted screen: "Six screens" issueFor some users using Geforce GT 100M's, the screen turns out corrupted after X starts; divided into 6 sections with a resolution limited to 640x480. The same problem has been recently reported with Quadro 2000 and hi-res displays.
To solve this problem, enable the Validation Mode NoTotalSizeCheck in section Device:
Section "Device"
 Option "ModeValidation" "NoTotalSizeCheck"


sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf
OR sudo vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf 
 Find and change follow the above shown session.

Save it with an Enter on restart~! 

[1]   “NVIDIA - ArchWiki.” [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 11-Sep-2012].


Leia Mais

Thursday, August 30, 2012

“星岛杯”澳洲大学生华语辩论赛 "Singtao Cup" Australian University Debating in Chinese Mandarin @unswdebating


澳洲星岛杯华语辩论赛。届时将会有来自澳洲八所院校的队伍参加比赛,为大家带来精彩纷呈的表演。        本次比赛将分为母语组以及非母语组,分两天举行。不仅是澳洲规模空前的一次大型华语辩论赛,更是华语在澳洲推广的重要一环。其中最为精彩和激动人心的决赛(非母语组和母语组)将在9月8日下午举行。具体信息如下:决赛具体信息如下:日期: 9月8日星期六
时间: 下午1:30
地点: University of New South Wales, Anzac Parade, Kensington NSW 2033
会场: Law Building G04





新南威尔士大学中文辩论社 敬上

Dear members,

2012 Singtao Cup Australian University Chinese Debating Competition is coming next week (7th and 8th September)!

This event will incorporate 8 teams from 8 Universities, such as Univesity of New South Wales, University of Sydney, University of Melbourne and 5 teams from other universities in Queensland, ACT, and Victoria. With more than 5,000 students on campus who speak Mandarin, the Chinese debating club represents the richness of diversity that thrives within the University of New South Wales.
Non-native speakers of Mandarin who come from ANU and UNSW will take part in this matchWe believe the promotion of this Mandarin debating competition will be a tremendous step forward for union debating.

Location: Law Building G04, UNSW KENSINGTON CAMPUS
Date: 8th September, 1:30pm

Content: The final match between two teams of non-native speakers and the final match between two teams of native speakers
(check the attachment for details)

This will be an amazing opportunity to watch the highest level of mandarin debating in Australia. We welcome all of you to watch! It is free to enter without ticket.
For the most updated news and information, please follow our Website here:


UNSW Chinese Debating Club

For all general enquiries, please email:

Leia Mais

Sunday, August 12, 2012

2012星岛杯辩题分组抽签仪式结果"Singtao Cup"Australian University Mandarin Debating Competition Ballot Results

RT @Musibolun:
 "Singtao Cup"Australian University Mandarin Debating Competition was drawn 香港亲中大报《星岛日报》澳洲版旗下赞助比赛项目“星岛杯”全国大学生辩论赛抽签

[Attendees]  Ben X许若华, Young Y杨孟阳, Kade L李沄沨, Bill @Musibolun,  Claire X谢諹,Lingfeng Yang ( @Sydney_Uni ),Henry @zxhenry, Andrew S宋立辉 and Eddy Z张龙
[Chaired by] Claire X谢諹, Ben X许若华 and Young Y杨孟阳

[Secretary] Bill @Musibolun


(Added by Bill, 季殿赛and决赛题目swapped by Dr. Claire, Aug.21, 2012)

Leia Mais

Saturday, August 4, 2012

[Podcast]电台收听指南 tune it in @unswdebating

        Just a quick guide to windows usrs. p.s. *nix usrs such as mac/linux may able to figure themselves out.
/*Noobs Config start*/
1. iOS Devices (iphone/ipad/ipod):

  • Download and install an Apple iTunes for MS Windows (Apple Account ID Required)
  • Click on 
  • Enable Podcast Sync with ur iOS devices.
Note: Jailbrked may have to use Podcaster App. (Added by Musi_Zhang, Sep.25, 2012)

2. Android Devices (Samsung/HTC/Huawei/Motorola/LG/Sony etc. all compatibilities)
There are ii solutions: Google Reader Centralised and iTunes Centralised,
   i. Google Reader Centralised
  • Go to  (Gmail Account ID Required)
  • "Subscribe"
  • Install Podkicker or Listen on ur Android Device
  • Setup Google Reader Syncing 

/*Noobs Config End*/
  ii. iTunes Centralised
  • Download and install an Apple iTunes for MS Windows (not compulsory if no video feeds)
  • Sync Android with iTunes

    PC owners who already use iTunes to download podcasts can bypass Android apps and load podcasts with the help of iTunes Agent and a Smart Playlist. The downside is that you have to connect to a computer to update your podcasts, but this is a good solution for current iTunes users.

    • Open iTunes and select “File > New Smart Playlist”
    • From the drop-down menu, select “Podcast” and “is true”
    • Press the “+” sign to create another rule.
    • From the drop-down menu, select “Date Added” and “is in the last” to make sure only recent podcasts are synced. Choose the number based on however many days you wish and press “Ok”
    • Name your new playlist
    • Download and install iTunes Agent
    • Follow the simple set-up instructions found here
    • * In the “Music Folder” field, create a new folder named “Podcasts” on your SD card
    • * In the “Associate with playlist” field, select the Smart Playlist you created in iTunes
    • To play on the G1, open your media player of choice and launch the Playlist you created. Every time you update your iTunes library and sync the device, the playlist will automatically update as well. 

    • Click on 
    • Enable Podcast Sync with ur iOS devices.     

    (Video Tutorial Added, Musi_Zhang, Aug.9 , 2012)
    (Juice & gPodder Pict Added, Musi_Zhang, Aug.10 , 2012)

    ^ Sync Android with iTunes, Androinica 2009-9-15 19:21:02. Retrieved on Aug.3, 2012.

    Leia Mais

    Friday, July 27, 2012

    如果男人也能怀孕,男人/女人更应该怀孕 @unswdebating




    Leia Mais

    Friday, July 13, 2012

    Weekly Dinner & Board Games Routine Activities S1 2012 @unswdebating

    Finally upgra my mac hdd from 250 giga to 750 giga,,, what a great feeling when you look at the spare 500 giga during the surfing xP
    Later on i found a few hundred giga media from @unswdebating that i cant complain so much but i promise those are the best ever so far in the whole chinese debating society - i developed some techniques can even prevent some vibrations from my arms cos the frankly diff b/w phone n a real camera is vibration reducible or not.

    Lets move on to the semester 1 wkly activity archive:

    Note: video could be download via podcast (e.g.itunes as shown below)
    2hrs length in total,,, summarise if got time in the future

    Leia Mais

    Thursday, June 7, 2012

    Bec'em Physbook Site

    Update Log (progress):
    [Jul.16, 2012] Contact Address and Fax Number REMOVED

    Leia Mais

    Friday, May 11, 2012

    May.11, 2012

    Image by Musi_Zhang via Flickr
    Firstly, we completed the immi law seminar

    Week 10 Newsletter, 2012 S1

    from one of @unswdebating's sponsors.
    As i Announced that RT @Musibolun:
    @unswdebating i didnt get bashed up last friday,,, instead, gals were surrounding me for official protection
    Also as i remembered RT @UNSW, 'dun call triple0 if you dun want troubles, use 0293856666 or 1800626003 instead'.
    After some internal contradictions were being solving, @unswdebating ppl had been separated into 2 groups, first 30 ppl went to sydney city first for free karaoke in k mix, i stayed in the second for a meeting then we 10 were catching up but there were no spare karaoke room, so we 2nd group combined some ph ppl to galaxy world; first group such as andrew, rachel, derek, colin and herny etc. kept singing as i rmb in a green tiny room. Finally the rest of us moved to Darling Harbour via Chinatown 穿过唐人街到了情人港 for @unswdebating pr colin's bday.
    Leia Mais

    Thursday, May 3, 2012

    电台第一次例会 Podcast Project First Meeting (HR Dept) Minutes, Kaixin Restaurant May.3, 2012

    Eternal privacy
    电台第一次例会 Podcast Project First Meeting (HR Dept) Minutes, Kaixin Restaurant May.3, 2012
    [Attendees] 电池博士哥丽妃Andrew宋, Bill, 雪荷初嫁了, trevor, 长裙语文老师Lesley, 老板娘Sharon, Cecilia Imagine, 孟阳君,Colin, 洋葱哥Delek, 大成小爱
    [Chaired by]初嫁了 n Bill
    [Absent]扇子,马11,Doris H, 阔2Rachel,交大统计哥Luke, 谢博諹諹,张胖兄弟龙旭(4个单位,,),神二辩Ben,辨魂李沄沨,狼人Alan,法律博士哥老谈,marshall,lydiaa迷离的眼眶,vicky,,,,
    Meeting opened at 7pm
    “所以集合大家于此,一是为了集思广益,得些内容,包括版块栏目内容,,时长限制在每周2~5min; 另一方面,由于人手问题,歌虽不才,愿代表suzie忍痛割爱,原先部门成员大面积解散,让其余各部杰出出人力进行反向渗透们部门”
    “inception~?” andrew含笑迎之,博伦随后补充。
    音频投稿方式统一一下,建议使用 phone app @talkbox via twitter facebook connect,也是增加消息传播的多样性和社团活动的互动性,给人一种生的感觉”
    最终人员及任务确立:lesley的waiwai精神,孟阳君的文风,kade的文采,11的堪村CRI, sharon的点子,marshall的庭辩心得,阔儿的清唱,狼人和ben的咆哮,luke的大局观,扇子的刚正不阿以及colin的倾巢相助等等,,,,,,,融为一体,贯彻下去,新的party就要在这新的时代诞生了
    Meeting closed at 8pm
    This message has been delivered to all attendees via sms]

    Leia Mais


    分享是主旋律,,工具类总结,tips and derivations that will make it easier for me to perform the various tasks im faced with. These notes cover a wide range such as data analysis utilities (details see my site tags). this site is mainly used to help me clarify/sumarize/debug/backup/refactor/organize my thoughts,我的生产力解放,不用把更多的时间赔上,and capture my interests with time savingmay helpful to you literally we turn to a grp blog and collaboration,,,, on the other hand, i strongly suggest to subscribe inside a rss reader rather than refresh the website each time,,,alternatively, you can subscribe as podcast inside like itunes if you wanna download media contains ,,, also the microblog site is a complement to our website. - @Musibolun

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